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Home> other news>infared sauna indoor> French sauna room service features and advantages and disadvantages.thermowood outdoor sauna garden cabin sales>

French sauna room service features and advantages and disadvantages.thermowood outdoor sauna garden cabin sales

2024-04-11 attribution:other news

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  French sauna room service features and advantages and disadvantages

  1, especially when signing a contract with a non-landlord, the lease period need not be too short, as long as only one month, may start to recover after three years, as a result, although the store is taken back by the landlord, the lease period from seven to six years as the ideal contract period.

  2, generally signed for six years, so the future business problems will be sublet out.

  3, the store rent into the need for several periods of decoration, of course, to negotiate with the landlord, the number of days from the rent to let them deduct the decoration period, and to reduce the rent expenditure.

  4, rent good for the store, under the decoration.

  5, store decoration is related to the business style of this store, and the appearance of the look and feel, so the choice of decoration manufacturers is very important, the decoration manufacturers should have the relevant store decoration experience.

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