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Steam sauna has become a way of health preservation for Europeans

Steam sauna has become a way of health preservation for Europeans

    In addition to having a leading global economy, culture, and technology, Europe also has a unique culture of health. The history of health preservation in Europe can be traced back to the hot springs in Rome and the ancient Greeks' emphasis on disease prevention (rather than just treatment). Most countries within Europe are listed as the happiest and healthiest in the world. So, what can we learn from Europe's ancestral health laws?  Spain: Nap time  In the early days, Spanish farmers would rest and take a nap on the hottest afternoon of the day, but to this day, Spaniards still place great importance on nap time. A large-scale study in 2007 found that people who take a regular 30 minute nap at noon have a lower risk of developing heart disease; A 2010 study found that napping can improve the brain's learning ability.  Iceland: Fish  In Bloomberg's 2019 Healthiest Countries Index, Iceland ranked third, second only to Spain and Italy. A diet rich in fresh fish and omega-3 fatty acid


Is steaming moisture and sweat effective.Hot Tub Health Benefits Supply chain

Is steaming moisture and sweat effective.Hot Tub Health Benefits Supply chain

    Sweat steaming is a process of dispelling dampness and cold toxins. During the process of sweating, the body will release a large amount of sweat, and the cold and humid air in the body will be expelled along with it. It should be noted that sweating can not only help with deep sweating, but also accelerate the body's metabolism, promote circulation, and deeply remove waste and dampness from the body.  How to steam sweat well when there is heavy moisture  1. People with high humidity should take a shower before sweating. Taking a shower before sweating is to remove the garbage on the surface of the skin, prevent clogging of pores, and hinder the elimination of toxins from the body. And it is not advisable to take a shower within 4 hours after sweating. After sweating, use a towel to dry the body.  2. People with high humidity should avoid frequent entry and exit during the process of sweating, and drink some warm water appropriately, which can better promote detoxification and elim


What are the benefits of Korean style sweat steaming

What are the benefits of Korean style sweat steaming

    Korean style sweat steaming is a sweat steaming method that has been passed down from South Korea to our country. This sweat steaming method uses new technology and high-efficiency cell baths, and is a new way of sweat steaming. So what are the benefits of Korean style sweat steaming? What kind of effects will it have on the human body? Let's take a look at the benefits of Korean style sweat steaming together. What are the answers to this question!  1. Beauty  In terms of Korean style steaming, the best feature is whitening people's skin, improving the texture of human skin, and enhancing skin elasticity, thereby delaying female aging. Especially for women who have already given birth, after several rounds of Korean style sweating, their skin will become fairer and smoother.  2. Weight loss  Secondly, Korean style sweat steaming can also eliminate excess fat in women's bodies, reduce the fat in cells, and strengthen women's bodies, playing a good role in weight loss. At the same ti


Types and evolution process of sauna rooms

Types and evolution process of sauna rooms

    The original meaning of the language is "windowless wooden house", also known as bathing or "three warmers". It can be traced back to more than two thousand years ago and is a traditional activity.  Smoked sauna  The oldest traditional activity.  In a room without windows or chimneys, burning firewood to heat stones produces smoke that increases the temperature when the fire goes out.  In 2014, it was listed as "Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity" by UNESCO.  Diesel fired sauna  After the Industrial Revolution, saunas began to be accompanied by chimneys.  By burning firewood to heat stones, the fragrance of the wood will also fill the entire room after combustion.  Electric sauna  In 1950, electronic sauna stoves began to appear and heated stones with electrical energy, accelerating the heating rate and significantly reducing the time required for the evolution of sauna rooms.


How often should I take a sauna?Canadian red cedar sauna room Sale

How often should I take a sauna?Canadian red cedar sauna room Sale

    Regular sauna bathing is essential because it slowly and continuously enhances the immune system's ability, just like physical exercise for endurance. Jogging once does not make us athletes. The frequency and duration vary from person to person. The important thing is that you are satisfied with this. You can set the bathing time for each round at eight to fifteen minutes.  It is not very important to take a sauna several times a week, but rather at least once a week. Then, do two to three rounds, always cool down after each round, and then take some rest. Research has shown that the immune system responds very quickly and a significant effect can be detected after 8 to 12 weeks.  Before taking a sauna, please fully cure the flu or severe cold. However, there are also some exceptions: experienced sauna veterans can use sauna as a first aid for mild symptoms if they feel like they are about to catch a cold or have an itchy throat and have not received appropriate relief. But this sh


What is a rock bath sauna?wood fired sauna cabin house company

What is a rock bath sauna?wood fired sauna cabin house company

    Using specialized rock discs imported from Japan, after heating, a large amount of beneficial far-infrared radiation (nurturing light) and various beneficial trace elements and negative ion energy are released. Through natural absorption by the human body, significant physiological thermal energy changes are generated, promoting metabolism throughout the body, causing the sebaceous glands to sweat rapidly from the inside to the outside of the body, and the accumulated toxins are eliminated from the body. At the same time, the traditional Japanese warm bath method is beneficial for beauty and health. "Rock bath" can be easily used by people of all ages and genders because it does not use high temperatures like traditional saunas and maintains necessary humidity in the air, which does not make people feel stuffy and uncomfortable. You just need to lie comfortably on a heated special rock plate, and after more than ten minutes, you can personally feel the unique sweating and detoxific


What are the benefits of a far-infrared light wave room?traditional wooden hot tub Supply chain

What are the benefits of a far-infrared light wave room?traditional wooden hot tub Supply chain

    1. If a new concept of healthy housing is proposed to real estate enterprises, using the slogan of "buy a house for health" (light wave bath room) as a promotional slogan, and the developer's sales strategy is to care for your health every day, they will launch new sales strategies. Smart merchants are also replacing saunas with light wave bathrooms in high-end apartments and villa areas.  2. Highly competitive hotels set up health rooms, which are not only a place to relieve fatigue and help sleep for those who have been on business trips for a long time, but also provide healthy care and enjoy the warmth of home.  3. Beauty and leisure fitness centers are equipped with light wave bathrooms, making beauty and health so simple.  4. The company and factory invest in several sets to ensure that employees are fully energized and physically fit to work every day.  5. As a modern high-tech health therapy room, it has a wider range of applications in hospitals.  6. Moving the light wave


sauna heater electric.The wood used for sauna boards is all natural logs

sauna heater electric.The wood used for sauna boards is all natural logs

    Pure bulk wood has excellent physical properties. That's why solid wood saunas can work perfectly without any insulation materials: solid wood furniture alone has already achieved sufficient insulation effect. We only use untreated high-quality raw materials, allowing you to choose from a variety of solid wood. The thick walls of the sauna room can best store heat and then slowly and continuously transfer it back into the interior of the sauna room. In addition, the wooden surface is pleasantly warm and tempered. At the same time, it releases the ethereal oil of wood, awakening the senses with its pleasant yet unnoticed scent.  The sauna made of sturdy Nordic spruce or white spruce can bring you a truly primitive spa experience. The pungent smell of wood in a sauna will make you forget all the troublesome thoughts and remind you of taking a walk in the woods on a sunny morning. Solid wood sauna is pure natural! Thick, untreated high-quality wood can store heat and slowly and contin


What is a nano sweat steaming room?Redwood hot tub company

What is a nano sweat steaming room?Redwood hot tub company

    In the nano sweat steaming room, human cells resonate and accelerate blood circulation through the action of ultra strong far-infrared and biological light waves, which is a static movement. Through its effect on human tissues, it bi-directional regulates human physiological functions, promotes blood circulation, improves microcirculation, promotes metabolism, improves nervous system function, enhances body immunity, and enables the body to excrete harmful substances while sweating, thereby achieving the goals of health care, disease treatment, and skin beauty. Sweating for 40 minutes is equivalent to jogging 10 kilometers. The general heating temperature is around 42 to 44 degrees. Under the strong far-infrared radiation and rich negative oxygen ions emitted from the sweat steaming room, a large amount of body sweat is excreted, promoting metabolism from the inside of the body. Due to the fact that the temperature in the sweat steaming room is only slightly higher than normal body

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